About ME

Hi! I’m Shari Lillico Thank you for checking me out.

I understand this journey deeply because I’ve been there myself. When my children left home, I found myself at a crossroads, feeling lost and unsure of who I was or what made me happy. This void led me on a path of self-discovery, exploring personal development, spirituality, and the metaphysical.
Despite all the inner work, energy healings, and manifestation exercises, something still felt missing. During the COVID quarantine, Shari began learning from Gaia, who revealed the belief tree, a unique way to work with limiting beliefs and other lessons. This guidance led to another breakthrough as she continued to grow; while practicing Tai Chi, she had an “Ah ha” moment where she realized the deeper energetic structures and grids—earthly, cosmic, and personal—and how to align them. These revelations not only transformed my own life but also enhanced my ability to help others.

Now my mission is clear. I help you navigate personal, earthly, and cosmic energies so you can align with your true soul self.

As a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner and intuitive healer, I draw upon various modalities to tailor a whole-istic healing process to your unique needs. This alignment enables you to step into your authentic self, living the joy and purpose you were always meant to embody.
Through mastering these energies, we unlock profound healing, clarity, and sustainable transformation. It’s about more than just feeling better; it’s about embodying your true self and living in alignment with your highest purpose.
If you resonate with this journey, know that you are not alone. Together, we can navigate these energies, bringing you closer to your true self and the fulfilling life you deserve.

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