Why all your inner work, energy healings and manifestation exercises are still leaving you feeling like something is missing…

You’re feeling better. You’re sensing shifts. Your vibration is upleveling

You still feel off. 

You may be feeling in alignment with your soul and purpose but you can’t quite feel like you are embodying it or truly living it.

Or you may be struggling to feel connected with your inner knowing and drop into alignment.

Why is that?

We have personal, earth, sky, and cosmic energetic grids and structures that are the support systems for all the work you are doing. They are the energetic foundation that will anchor all the other work you are doing. When one or more of the structures are misaligned or broken, it’s hard to find your flow, and you struggle to function properly.
It’s like your skeleton. If one bone is off, it affects the whole system. Imagine that one of your vertebrae is out of place. It affects your neck and hips, which then affects your entire body. 

Similarly, when your energetic structures are misaligned, it creates a ripple effect throughout your entire being, leaving you feeling unbalanced and out of sync.

This is why the work you have been doing has been helping, but learning how to navigate energies—personal, earthly, and cosmic—will give you deeper and sustainable healing, clarity, and flow.

The earth is shifting and struggling for more reasons than you may realize…

We have all been witness to the growing amount of world disasters and conflicts over the past few years. This intensity of discord has been damaging the earth’s grid even more.

We are also moving to a new Gaia, which means the old energies of the earth are changing and growing.It is like a change in the guard or leader. Each leader has their own ideas on how they want to lead and where they want to see their country go.

So it goes with the Gaias. The new Gaia has her own energies and ideas of what she wants to see and accomplish. This changes the energy of the world and universe.

When we clear and align our deeper energy structures and grids and connect to Gaia and/or the universe, we foster deep energetic harmony. This nourishes us deeply, magnifies healing, and creates wholeness within ourselves, the Earth, and the cosmos.

How it works

Step 1

Identify and clear all the gunk causing your deeper energetic structures to break or misalign, leaving you feeling unsettled.

Step 2

Rebuild and strengthen those foundational structures to give you the stability, inner power, and clarity you need to navigate the harsh energies impacting the world at this time.

Step 3

Get connected to the deep, energetic structures of the earth to supercharge your energy, focus, and manifestation abilities.


you will receive activations to align your energies to the universal energies all around and in us, so instead of fighting against them, you can use them to propel you forward on your journey.

As you anchor into these energetic structures and grids, you will…

● Align to your true soul self as to why you are here and what lessons you are meant to move through
● Feel connected to yourself, your soul, your purpose
● Confidently step into who you are and live the joy and purpose you were always meant to live
● Feel healthier as you experience relief and peace in your body, mind, and spirit
● Work less by accessing your inner wisdom to guide you on where to focus your energy and time
● Be able to navigate difficult world events and personal challenges with far greater ease, flow, and knowing
● Reduce indecision, frustration, and wasted time
● Trust yourself far more
● Have the tools to get back on track quickly when things go sideways
● Experience lasting stability in your energetic fields, ensuring your inner growth work endures


It all started after my kids left. Like so many, I was joyless and lost. My mid-life plight was plagued with “Now What?” Even though I was excited to see them step out on their own, it left me with a hole in mine. Without having their wants and needs to focus on, it led to me to look inward and I realized that I didn’t even know what I liked, never mind what I wanted to do or who I was anymore.
Taking step after step of uncomfortable action leaps of faith, and following the breadcrumbs, I was led to spirituality and the metaphysical. I slowly found my way back to me. My journey inspired me to start my business to help others become energetically aligned. I became a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner and learned other modalities.

But something was still missing… I would do the work, feel the healing, and see the shifts, but it didn’t seem to stick. Can you relate?

I started to go deeper and trust my intuition. While quarantining during COVID, I began working with Gaia 2, who guided me to use “The Belief Tree” where I could see my own and my clients’ past lives, generational trauma, cosmic forces impacting them, and more.
In continuing to search for answers, an Ah ha moment came over me. All of a sudden these activations downloaded. I had been doing these arm movements in Tai chi when I clearly saw these deeper energetic structures and grids and how to align them. I also saw how a new Gaia was emerging.
As I integrated these new activations into my own practices and for my clients, it was beautiful to see how these pieces led to so much more stability.


Cindy Ashton

Award-winning Television Host, Singer, Actor, Entertainer and Founder of Brave Leaders Rising.

Heidi Ziegler Granese

“I am defeating fear and staying in the present much better. The thoughts of “what if” and running scenario’s through my head, I now stop as soon as they start to occur and that has been an incredible feeling of self-love! I love myself and have faith that I will continue to enjoy myself and be happy. It was amazing to feel the sensation in my body during the session and for Shari to say exactly where they were. She showed me a few meridian points to work on. I am so appreciative of all the advice and clearings that Shari had done with me. She is a beautiful soul and I wish her many blessings.”

Angela Smith

“Working with Shari has been incredible. I went to her as a ‘last resort’ to get things moving and sort myself out!… …I am so grateful for all the unraveling and aligning that happened via our sessions. Shari is gentle, kind, and direct and has true skill, insight, and a toolbag that she uses in her sessions that will undoubtedly move you forward and align you with your truth. I couldn’t recommend her more highly as an authentic and intuitive practitioner.”

“The universe is not outside of you.

Look inside yourself, everything that you want you already are.” 


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